"thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"
That is so powerful, because it shows us how we should be thinking.
Yet the world we live in is so much the opposite of that. So backwards. I've heard (hell, I used to say) things like "i dont think God would send someone good to hell, I dont think hitler deserves to go to heaven." I've also heard things like "God wouldn't hate this" or "He wouldn't have anything against that."
Well, how do you know? Did you ask him? The way most of the world things nowadays is this way, and just let it sink in for a minute...
"my will be done, on heaven as it is on earth"Wow! In general, people think they can dictate what God does or doesn't like; how He can or can't act; what he would or wouldn't do...
And yet God Himself said that our righteousness is as filthy rags to Him.
more on that later...